Anne Marie and Erik Erikkson founded the very first organization addressing adult survivors of child sexual abuse back in 1983.
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Anne Marie and Eric Erikkson |
Friends Meeting House 15 Rutherford Place New York, New York
Mail Address: P.O. Box 7375, Las Cruces, NM 88006-7375
(505) 521-4260 Fax: (505) 521-3723
Web Site: E-mail:
Anne Marie Erikkson
March 30, 1932 - April 3, 1999
Erik A. Eriksson, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)
December 28, 1920 - January 28, 1999
History Lesson in advocating for the rights of adult survivors of child sexual abuse:
Incest Survivors Resource Network International (ISRNI), founded in 1983
at the New York City Friends Meeting House, is a survivor-run
international network and EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE dedicated to prevention.
Since 1983 it has operated the first national and international helpline
for incest survivors and professionals answered in person by
incest-survivors-only (hours now reduced from 24-hr to 2-4pm ET and
llpm-Midnight ET Mon-Sat). It continues to encourage inquiries from
adult survivors of mother-son incest and also continues to include
information on forming self-help groups. ISRNI has been a co-sponsor of
numerous conferences held by national and international community and
professional organizations and the National Organization for Victim
Assistance (NOVA) annual National Forum on Victim Rights. ISRNI also
provided the resource list that accompanied the Eleventh Commandment
Foundations's panel on child sexual abuse held in the People's Republic
of China at the 1995 UN NGO Forum on Women.
ISRNI was founded and is operated as a religious peace witness by incest
survivors concerned with the relationship of unresolved traumatic
stress to strife and violence in the world. An independent non-profit
organization that accepts no outside funding, ISRNI provides its
resources to the public by being an adjunct to the Task Group on Family
Trauma of New York Yearly Meeting, and to the Las Cruces Monthly
Meeting, both of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Anne-Marie
Eriksson, a retired probation officer, is president. Vice-president
Barbara Santee, PhD (medical sociology), works in women's health issues.
Secretary-treasurer, Erik A. Eriksson, Lt. Col., USAF(Ret), was
formerly secretary-treasurer of the Region IX Tri-Service Military
Family Advocacy Subcommittee.
ISRNI is concerned with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as a component of inter-generational transmission of verbal and physical violence; especially regarding overt, covert and emotional incest. The experience of ISRNI has been that resolution of trauma involves spiritual recovery intertwined with three integral camponents: Education, professional therapeutic intervention and self-help.
ISRNI is concerned with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder as a component of inter-generational transmission of verbal and physical violence; especially regarding overt, covert and emotional incest. The experience of ISRNI has been that resolution of trauma involves spiritual recovery intertwined with three integral camponents: Education, professional therapeutic intervention and self-help.
Sought as a resource by many, including the media, ISRNI has been a
catalyst in numerous areas. Since its inception, it has fostered the
building of bridges between professionals and self-help groups. ISRNI
president, Anne-Marie Eriksson, was co-founder and co-chair of the
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies "Interest Area on
Building Bridges Between Professionals and Self-help Groups". From 2/83
through ll/87 ISRNI facilitated an early, unique incest-survivor-only
mixed gender group. ISRNI was a pioneer in discussing: the aftereffects
of incest; female offenders; the vital need for effective treatment
programs for juvenile offenders; the role of the mother in
father-daughter incest; the concept of emotional incest.
ISRNI is a member of: Friends Association for Higher Education;
International Peace Research Association; National Adolescent
Perpetrator Network; National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse;
National Organization for Victim Assistance; National Victim Center;
and World Federation for Mental Health, among others. It is a
co-convenor of the Ouaker Sexual Child Abuse Prevention Network (Ouaker
SCAPnet). On behalf of ISRNI, board members and officers are members of:
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children; International
Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect; International
Society for the Study of Dissociation; International Society for
Traumatic Stress Studies; National Council of Juvenile and Family Court
Judges; as well as a number of survivor-run organizations such as
M.A.L.E; National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization; and
VOICES in Action, Inc.
ISRNI presented at the Fifth International Congress on Child Abuse and
Neglect; the Eighth Conference of Parents United International; the
Second and Fourth Annual Meetings of the International Society for
Traumatic Stress Studies; the First and Third International Conferences
on Incest and Related Problems and was among the expert consultants at
the World Federation for Mental Health's 1987 Consultation on Meeting
the Mental Health Needs of Victims at the United Nations Headquarters in
New York City.
Anne Marie Eriksson's Resume - June 15, 1997
Scope and content
This collection contains documents and materials concerning the Incest Survivors Resource Network International (ISRNI) compiled by Anne Marie Eriksson, former president and board member. While most of the materials come from or relate to ISRNI, the collection includes documents pertaining to other related organizations that Eriksson was involved with. Personal files for Erik and Anne Marie Eriksson are included.
The bulk of the collection encompasses the organization's inception (1983) through its dissolution (1998). However, the file also contains documents preceding ISRNI's incorporation.
EMPLOYMENT: (Please note: Full-time service to ISRNI has always been without salary or other compensation; The other positions were salaried)
1983 - Founding President, Incest Survivors Resource Network International (ISRNI), an educational resource adjunct to the Task Group on Family Trauma, New York Yearly Meeing of the Religious Socity of Friends. Organized and still operate the ISRNI helpline, the first national and international helpline for survivors and professionals answered in person by incest-survivors-only. Co-facilitated mixed gender peer group, 1983-87.
1972-84 - Probation Officer assigned to New York State Courts in Kings, New York and Queens Counties. In addition to regular duties was also the agency representative on the New York City Advisory Task Force on Sexual Assault.
1971-72 - Family Worker. Childrens Aid Society Head Start, New York City.
1964-71 - Community volunteer while at home with three children. Volunteer service included serving on the Community Advisory Board of Beth Israel Medical Center, New York City, 1972-82.
1960-64 - Social Worker, NYS Department of Social Welfare, assigned to NYC Aftercare, NYS Training School for Girls.
1960-60 - Organizer and interim Supervisor, Children's Social Services, NY Association for the Blind (The Lighthouse)
1955-59 - Preschool Counselor, NY Association for the Blind (The Lighthouse), New York City
1982 - Numerous courses and workshops on family violence and incest. Certificates in Incest and Rape Crisis Intervention from Adelphi University Resource Center for Crime Victim Advocates (1986) and from St. Vincent's Medical Center, NYC (1983).
1959-60 32 graduate credits from CUNY Hunter College School of Social Work (attended on a one year scholarship as a winner of national competition sponsored by New York State Department of Social Welfare).1955 - Early Childhood Education, SUNY, Fredonia.
PRESENTATIONS included: (physically unable to travel after 1990)
Aug 1989 - Third International Conference on Incest & Related Problems, London. Also received award.
Apr 1989 - Co-chair and presenter, Symposium on Incest, New York City
Oct 1988 - Fourth Annual Meeting, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas
Aug 1987 - Presentation for Family Court staff, Goteborg, Sweden
Aug 1987 - First International Conference on Incest & Related Problems, Zurich
Sep 1986 - Second Annual Meeting, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Denver
Aug 1984 - Eighth Annual Parents United International Conference, Santa Clara, CA
Sep 1984 - Fifth International Child Abuse Congress, Montreal
Dec 1983 - U..S. Attorney General's Task Force on Family Violence, New York City (also over one hundred presentations in USA and Europe for local organizations, universities and agencies)
- American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (Membership Committee);
- International Peace Research Association: International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (was founding co-chair of the Interest Area on Building Bridges Between Professionals and Self-Help Groups);
- International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect;
- National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (Membership Committee);
- National Organization for Victim Assistance; Quaker SCAPnet (Coordinator);
- VOICES in Action, Inc. (Board member, 1985).
HONORS include:
Expert Consultant at World Federation for Mental Health's 1987 Consultation on Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Victims, United Nations Headquarters, New York City
Listed in: Who's Who in America, 51th Edition (1996); Who's Who Among Human Among Human Service Professionals
An Inventory of the Incest Survivors Resource Network International Papers, 1983-1998
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